5 Tips To Rock Your Very First Internship | The Odyssey Online
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5 Tips To Rock Your Very First Internship

Time to get your networkin' on.

5 Tips To Rock Your Very First Internship
Molly English

This past summer, I did my first ever internship. It's a little scary to go from working a lifeguarding job all my life to working a real office job, but the experience of being out in the "real world" was super rewarding. If you're like me and new to ~professional world~, here are 5 essentials you need to know before going out there:

1. Be assertive.


Chances are, your intern position isn't that high up on the theoretical totem pole of whatever company you're working for. Reminding your boss or any higher-ups that you are there and willing to help on on any task can lead to better opportunities down the road.

2. Be attentive.


If someone is explaining something to you or giving you advice, LISTEN. Your coworkers have more experience than you and can seriously open your eyes up to tips and tricks in the business you're going into.

3. Ask if you don't understand.


Don't feel stupid for asking a question (or twenty). It never hurts to clarify a point or talk something out so you can do your job better.

4. Make connections with the people around you.


Your network building starts now, so make the most out of every conversation you have. However, don't be afraid to make genuine friendships with the people you work with--it makes your internship experience even better.

5. Make the most out of it.


At the end of your internship, whether it be for a semester or a year, you want to look back at it with no regrets. Talk to that person, make that connection, ask for that assignment. Make the most out of it!

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