5 Tips To Perfect Your Spring Picnic | The Odyssey Online
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5 Tips To Perfect Your Spring Picnic

3. Plan some activities.

5 Tips To Perfect Your Spring Picnic

The weather is certainly getting warmer, the sun is out longer, and nature has finally come out to say hello and bloom from a bitter winter. So now it’s time for a family spring picnic! After all, picnics are all about enjoying being with your loved ones’, reveling in their company and making new and wonderful memories. Here we are going to look at some great tips on how you can throw your family the ultimate spring picnic.

1. Put in every effort to make it a special occasion.

Don’t be scared to go all out and make it a lavish and fun occasion. Think of those lovely picnic rugs, blankets, maybe even a tepee or tent for the children. If it’s going to be warm, get some sun shading umbrellas. You can set up tables or comfy blankets with pillows for the perfect picnicking experience.

Adding in this extra effort not only adds to the feeling of the picnic but will make everyone a lot comfier. It will also look great in photos and just adds to the long-lasting memories you’re making on your spring family picnic.

2. Choose the location carefully.

Obviously, you want the most practical but beautiful location for your picnic. Whether you go to a park, the forest, by the sea or next to a lake, remember you want to avoid areas where you might find a lot of insects. Having an ant problem at your spring picnic is the last thing you want. And you may need to have some savvy wasp removal strategies prepared in advance.

It’s a good idea to select a place that has access to toilets as well. You will need some shade, and where you can park nearby. If you have children, consider going to a location where there’s lots of space to play games, or maybe even has a playground.

3. Plan some activities.

Part of the joy of a picnic is the opportunity to be outdoors after we’ve been indoors all winter. Plan some games and if you’re inviting other family members, see what games they would like to play. This could be anything from a game of cricket to a round of Rummy. There are so many enjoyable games you can play whilst enjoy the picnic, and they’re such a great way of bonding with your family.

4. Take the essentials.

There are a few picnic essentials you should always take with you to make your life a whole lot easier. If the weather has been particularly sunny or hot, you should definitely pack the suntan lotion. Insect spray may also be a good idea to stop anyone getting bitten, which might put a bit of a dampener on the occasion. You can also invest in food nets so that no bugs can go anywhere near your food.

Then there are the usual things you will need to bring, like utensils and cutlery. Also, consider taking tea towels and napkins too. Anything you feel like you may need on the day, pack it. You don’t want to be caught short and unprepared when you want to enjoy the day.

When you have drinks, you want to keep them cold. An ice bucket or just ice is a great way to keep drinks and food cool. Pop some in a cooler so you have a supply all picnic long. And don’t forget to bring some music as well to really set the scene.

5. Make it an all-day event.

Picnics are great for just chilling out, relaxing and grazing on food all day. It’s not a one-course big meal. You can pick and choose what you want to eat for as long as you want, which is why picnics are enjoyed by so many people.

Provide your guests with a wide variety of nibbles that you can lay out easily and can be eaten at people’s leisure. Small doses of food served often work really well at picnics, so think of delicious snacks and add some crackers, different breads, and cheeses to please everybody’s palate.

And of course, don’t forget the water, or that sneaky bottle of champagne or wine!

Spring is the best time for getting outdoors, so throw down that tartan picnic blanket, feast on some yummy food and enjoy the time spent with your family.

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