The craziness of the last couple weeks of school can really take its toll. You honestly feel like you're losing your mind. Partially because you are trying to keep track of every little thing due, finish out the year strong, but also have fun. If you're a senior, then you're spending your last couple days celebrating with the people you care about. With all this going on, you're running around with no time to breathe. Last week, my sister lost her car and her computer. Yup, drove her car somewhere and couldn't remember where it was two hours later. Same thing with the computer. She was that scatterbrained and just busy. When you're that busy, you don't really pay attention to details anymore. So what can you do?
1. Slow down
Seriously, if you don't think things through and take a minute, you'll end up missing details and won't do things to the best of your ability. It is difficult because you want to skip the school work and get to the fun stuff as soon as possible. People's grades tank once the weather gets warmer and things start winding down. Take the extra second to focus, slow down, and pay attention to the things you've got to get done. If you slow down, you won't make the mistakes you would when stressing out. Essentially, you'll be able to be more efficient with your time.
If you don't know what you've got going on when, this next week will be a rushed and frantic blur. Know when you have finals, know when you have meetings, know when you have fun stuff. That person that is late to the final? Don't be that person. They probably forgot what room it was in or what time the exam was. Check before. That way you can be on time and prepared. A little bit of organization can do a long way.
3. Don't panic
Didn't study
enough for a final? It will be okay. If you're trying to jump from a B- to an A on the final, no offense, it just isn't going to happen. Hopefully, you're not relying on the final to be the thing that makes or breaks your grade. There is only so much you can do in the time you have before finals. Cramming for 20 hours for a single exam may not be the best. Do what you can and go from there.
4. Take a break
If the only thing you're doing the entire week is staring at your
books, you will go crazy. Take a break. Go do something fun. Relax. Laugh. Studies show you learn better when taking breaks and by studying in increments, anyway. If you study from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. (
Ten hours), then going out to dinner with your friends or grabbing a drink will not be detrimental. Seriously, don't fry your brain. It needs to relax, too.
5. Keep pushing through
It is only a short period of time. Although you may have been up for three days straight and the week seems never-ending, remember that it is only a week or so long. Do what you have to do to make the most of it and survive. You can start off your
summer break by sleeping and having fun with your friends.
Balancing fun and finals can feel impossible, but make sure to do a little bit of both. These times are ones you can't get back. Your GPA only means so much in life, what you will remember from this time in your life are the fun times you've had and time spent with others.