As you are nearing the time that you will be moving away from home and into school, there are a few things that you should be aware of. Hopefully these tips will help to guide you to have a successful first year of college and make it a little less stressful. College is a great time for everyone and I am sure that it will be for you, too!
1. Freshman 15 is real.
It is real and it is coming for you. I know that the dining hall may seem tempting with their variety of options, how could you only get one plate at dinner? Although it may seem impossible, you have to be careful what you eat at the dining hall or in your dorm. Also, if you have ANY free time at all, try to go to the gym. Trust me, I know it may seem annoying, but working out as much as you can is essential to beating freshman 15.
2. You will not be able to do an 8AM class.
Take it from me, and if you don't, take it from ANY other college student. You WILL NOT be able to do an 8AM. I don't mean this literally. You probably can do an 8AM, you just won't want to. Getting up that early after a long night of studying or partying, to go to class just sounds awful. It is not a fun thing and I would highly recommend to avoid it at all costs.
3. Doing homework in your room is a lot harder than you think.
If you're like me, your desk will be covered in stuff, constantly. This means that you will be doing your homework on your bed. Not a good idea. First reason against it is that you will be comfortable and it will be hard to focus. Another reason is that I guarantee that your roommates will be a distraction to you. Take my advice and head to the library for a few hours, if needed.
4. Partying isn’t that big of a deal.
In the beginning of the year, you're gonna think you have to go out every night. You don't. It's good to go out from time to time, but going out every time there is a party, isn't something that you need to do. It is okay to say that you just want to stay in for a night. Maybe watch a movie with friends, order some food, study, or just go to sleep early. Going out doesn't define you, so make sure to take a break from time to time.
5. Getting involved really is the best way to make friends.
Contrary to belief, partying isn't the best/easiest way to make friends. The best way to make friends is to join clubs. Get involved with clubs, go to as many events on campus as you can, and talk to everyone in your classes. These are the BEST ways to make friends. It won't be that easy to make friends if you or they are under the influence.