One of the biggest struggles of university students is stress. Stress can take the form of physical or mental illness, problems with schoolwork, deteriorating social life, and other such problems. Stress can also lead to burnout which makes schoolwork, work, and motivation a pretty huge problem. In order to avoid burnout and keep you as physically and mentally healthy as possible, I have 5 tips to help you from a seasoned college student.
- Assess your situation and plan accordingly.
Before enrollment begins, sit down and evaluate your personal goals, class requirements, extracurricular activities, and job demands. This alone should help you narrow down your choices and thus your class schedule. Next, assess your abilities. In theory, taking 18 or more credit hours may seem feasible, but when you consider everything else you’ll have to do it just doesn’t seem realistic.
Consider how well you personally handle a busy schedule and how much time you have and shape your class schedule accordingly. Too much work leads to mountains of stress and may result in burnout. - Recognize and accept your limitations.
It may feel like the only way to achieve your goals is to load up your daily to-do list and cram all of your work into one day. However, this method is not as productive as it sounds. It only leads to stress, mediocre work, and exhaustion. Instead, accept the fact that there is only so much that can be done in 24 hours and spread everything out evenly according to priority. This way you can still get everything done and save your sanity at the same time. - Stay on top of your coursework.
This may seem like a no-brainer but it is absolutely essential. When you know what to expect before class and are on top of the homework, you already have a step up. This will make studying for exams easier and understanding the material a breeze. It may take a bit longer than usual but it will always pay off. Keeping up with coursework allows you to assess weaknesses, work on other assignments, and spend more time relaxing. - Get a decent amount of sleep.
Many people believe that sleep in university is a myth but it really is the key to success. When you heed the above recommendations and keep up with work, finding time to sleep will be a lot less difficult. Sleep allows your body to heal, recuperate, and regain lost energy. A well-rested mind also retains information better and focuses much more easily. - Pay attention to what your body is telling you.
If you’re exhausted, get some rest. If you’re shaky and faint, eat something. If you’re losing focus and feeling moody, take a break. If you’re experiencing all of the above, eat something light, drink a glass of water or milk, and get some sleep. There’s nothing more telling than your body and what it needs. Self-care is the first step in success.
If you are not at your best, your work won’t be either.