It is the home stretch folks! You can almost smell the Christmas cookies baking in your kitchen and the tree decorated in your living room. But before we actually get there we need to get through the dreaded end of the semester. We can do it. We've made it this far, there is no turning back now. No matter how much we might want to.
1. Make a checklist.
End of the semester checklists are everything. Have all the assignments and tests you have coming up available for a quick glance, that way you can't miss anything. No one wants to realize they have an 8 page paper due at 10 P.M the night before it's due. Plus, crossing things off as you go feels so satisfying.
2. Do NOT procrastinate.
Lie to yourself about due dates if you have to. Make flash cards or study guides well before you need them and have them with you at all times so if you are early for class or on lunch break at work you can be productive and study a little. And don't wait until the last minute to do your papers. Instead of watching 3 hours of Netflix a day maybe you can spend 1 hour working on papers you have due.
3. Make time for yourself.
Even if it is just an hour a day. Watch your favorite show, go for a walk, catch up with friends. Find something you like to do and make time for it during the day. If you spend all day everyday working you are going to burn yourself out and crash before the semester ends.
4. Try to stay healthy.
Throw in a veggie or two at dinner. Go to the gym a couple times a week. Dress weather appropriate. The last thing you need is to get sick right in the middle of the hardest time in the semester.