You come back to your room Thursday night and open your planner to realize you have five assignments due tomorrow. Surprise, surprise, you forgot to start three of them, especially the assignment that the professor said would take more than a day to complete. It's safe to say that many people have not mastered the art of time-management. I am guilty of overestimating the time I have to complete assignments like many others. However, I have five suggestions to help save you from your humongous pile osmmf work:
1. Knock Small Assignments Out First.
You can make the best judgment on how much time it'll take for you to complete an assignment. Therefore, the assignments that you find won't take you too long to complete, complete them whenever you have a little break or free time! Trust me, finishing small assignments first helps save time needed for larger, complex assignments in the future.
2. Write in/Check Your Planner like Your Social Media.
We all have the time to comment on a post or sneak a peek at that new Insta update. If you can update or peek at updates, then you can definitely jot down assignment dates in your planner and check it whenever you have a quick second. By religiously updating and checking your planner, you keep the assignments you need to complete in mind, helping you prioritize what needs to be done.
3. Make Your Phone Your Mama!
Back in your younger years, either your mom, dad, or both probably came to your room to check on what your doing; but, more specifically, reminded you to get to your homework. I definitely got annoyed by their "nosiness," but their constant curiosity and reminders helped me stay on top of my work. Now, without parents, your phone's your next best parent! You can set up notifications for due dates for assignments, and you can use many study apps to formulate a study/work schedule to complete assignments.
4. Outweigh the Assignments.
If you do come down with a plethora of assignments, then make sure to do the ones that count more toward your grade over the ones that don't. I know you may want to strive to complete them all. However, if you have an 8 A.M. that has three assignments due where out of the three assignments one counts for 25% of your grade, do the 25% first so you don't harm your grade too much.
5. Space it out, Space it out!
If your professor is truly caring, then he or she will give you a detailed syllabus with assignments and their due dates. When you see that there are self-paced assignments like essays to do, work on it little by little. I won't lie: I work better doing the assignment in one go. But, if you spend a little time each day until the assignment is due, you'll have the opportunity to catch careless mistakes to relaxing as you're practically done with the assignment. Take it one day at a time for sure!
I'm no angel when it comes to reducing my workload. However, these tips have helped me find a greater balance between my workload and PERSONAL LIFE. They've worked for me, and I hope they work for you!