With finals quickly approaching, you're bound to have some final papers due within the next couple weeks. So, if you're worried about cranking out that ten-page paper, have no fear. Some quick tips to help you prepare are here.
1. Save the date
This seems obvious, but make sure you're aware of the due date. Mark it on your calendar. Circle it in a bright pen. This way, it won't creep up on you just days before.
2. Visit your school's writing center
And make an appointment in advance. I'm a tutor at my school's center, and I know that we get booked early. Make sure you book an appointment to go over your paper; it always helps to have a second set of eyes.
3. Download SelfControl for your laptop
I have this app on my computer, and it's a lifesaver. If you tend to get distracted by Netflix, Twitter, etc., SelfControl will help you out. Just tell the app what websites you want blocked for a certain period of time, and you won't be able to visit them. You'll be a lot more productive.
4. Talk to your professor
Seriously. Visit your professor's office hours. They'll guide you in the right direction if you're lost or just want to see what they think about your ideas.
5. Set goals for each working day
Plan out what you want to accomplish for your paper on certain days. Maybe you'll write your working thesis on Monday and your introduction on Tuesday.
Good luck with finals, and hopefully some of these preparation tips will help.