This spring semester (2017) I took the feared POL 352 class with Dr Neikirk. I was nervous and it was indeed stressful. However, I managed to slide out of there with a B-. Here, fellow warriors, are my tips for surviving POL 352.
1. Read the Material
Yep, that's right friends, NO skipping out. Yes, I had a friend who didn't read much for the course and did well. SHE IS THE EXCEPTION. Read your material.
2. Take Notes
I don't care if you have the verbal retention of genius proportions. Write down EVERYTHING that man says. I wrote down some of his crazy examples because they stuck out to me and really helped me to recall a particular person/theory/idea.
3. Choose Your Group Carefully
You will do debates in front of the classroom. Choose your group wisely, find hard working individuals. My group decided to have three people research while one person wrote it--it's up to you. For your rebuttal: think AHEAD. While making your arguments, think about their counterargument. Bring notes and a prepped rebuttal. This way you're not overwhelmed on the spot.
4. Note Cards
I have never EVER been a note card type of person. I hate them. However, I NEEDED them for Poli Sci. I recommned having detailed cards, but also general topics. Make a flash card that just says a theorists name so that you learn to remember everything about him. Also make a flash card that says "theorists who support ____" that way you can remember that said theorist falls under one category or another.
5. Seek Help
After every test I went to Dr. Neikirk and asked him to interpret his writing so that I knew what I needed to do for the next exam. I ran periodical reviews by my friends until I was sure I knew what I was doing. I also had friends to vent to when the class overwhelmed me.
By doing these five things, I managed to get a B- in POL 352. It's a class thee requires attentiveness. It's not impossible and Neikirk is not that terrifying (I promise). Read the material, pay attention in class, and put time into studying.
May the odds be ever in your favor.