Every college student looks forward to Spring Break for months. It's a relaxing week off from class, time to lay on the beach and enjoy a piñacolada, and best of all it's time to make memories with your best friends in a fun place. The only downside of the best week of the year is the stress that comes along with the crazy expenses. Here are a few ways you can shrink those ugly vacation bills.
1. Get a hotel/condo with multiple people
Merging two friend groups is a great way to DRASTICALLY reduce the price of housing. Not only do you get to make new friends, but also you might even get to stay a couple extra days since you’re spending less money!
2. Buy groceries
One of the main costs on a vacation is food! Everyone wants to lay on the beach with their friends all day, go back to their hotel and get ready, and make their way out to eat. The price of all that delicious beach food adds up. A way to cut down on costs and still enjoy some nights out for dinner is to buy groceries and bring them with you for breakfast, lunch, and snacks!
3. Buy alcohol at home
At any spring break destination, the prices of alcohol are jacked way up. The best way to avoid the hassle of having to find a store to go too and save a good chunk of change is to load up on the necessities before hand!
4. Plan!
Look at the area you’re staying in and figure out what is nearby that you can do that’s free/cheap but still fun! Also, plan with your group and figure out the best cars to take to spend less on gas. Find some deals on Groupon, other sites, or even in brochures in your hotel lobby for food and fun things to do.
5. Don’t buy unnecessary items
Most of us go wild with spending during vacation. Of course, get something cheap to remember your trip by, but don’t forget that pictures hold the best memories. You will regret that impulse souvenir purchase later!