As summer break comes to an end, we must all face the fact that the new school year is upon us. It seemed only yesterday that the last bell was ringing and we were on our way to vacation! But as we all know, the summer days are drifting away, and we must soon start back the life of a student.
We have spent the last two months soaking in the rays, staying up till the crack of dawn, and sleeping till noon. However, things will be changing soon! Here are some back-to-school Hacks to make the switch from beach bum to scholar student a little bit easier.
1. Those late nights are a thing of the past. Time to wake up with the roosters!
In order to make the 6 a.m. morning seem like a breeze, plan out your outfit and your breakfast the night before. It gives you something to look forward to, and if you decide to hit the snooze button one too many times, you won't be in the red on time! Also, put your phone away from your bed while charging. If it stays right by your bed, you'll be tempted to scroll through your newsfeed and stay up way too late. Plus, you will have to get out of bed in order to turn off your alarm!
2. Get back into study mode.
I know, you don't even want to think about cracking open those text books. Who can blame you though? You have spent the last two months without a care in the world about school. So, getting back to your old ways of studying can be pretty hard! Allot yourself 25 minutes of hard studying and a five minute break. That way you won't be overdoing yourself, and your brain won't feel like it's going to explode if you have do one more math problem!
3. It's as simple as a piece of gum!
While studying, chew some gum. When test day comes, chew that same flavor of gum. Studies show that not only will chewing gum stimulate blood flow, but chewing the same flavor of gum during studying and again during the test can improve your memory. It sounds crazy, but anything helps, right?
4. Post it!
I'm a planner, so I like to write all of my homework and weekly activities in my planner or on my white board in my room so that I stay organized. Instead of saying, "Oh my goodness -- I totally forgot that I had to turn in all those papers by Friday!" Write it out! Then you'll be saying, "That paper due Friday? Please, I wrote that a week ago." Use Post-it notes to write when all of your assignments are due or to mark important dates coming up so you don't end up forgetting.
5. Drink water!
Drinking a gallon of water a day improves body and brain function. Bring a bottle of water to school and refill it in the water fountain throughout the day. Drink at least one bottle before coming to school and drink three to four throughout the day. Beng hydrated will not only help you not feel sluggish, but it will also give you the ability to survive the school day!
Don't let yourself be bombarded with hectic schedules and be ill-prepared for what school has to throw at you. By using these simple tips, adjusting back to your 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. school days a bit easier!