It’s about that time of year where college students are taking their first tests and writing their first papers of the semester, along with trying to balance their school responsibilities with their extra-curricular responsibilities. To say that it can be stressful is an understatement, especially since it inconveniently all seems to fall within the same week or two. So here are a few tips that have helped me get through those first two super stressful weeks of the semester, and through the stress of college overall.
1. Make a plan.
Doing this alone will relieve your stress a little. You will feel so much more productive if at the end of the day, you can say that you’ve accomplished everything you planned on accomplishing.
2. Call your family.
They know you better than anyone else, and therefore, will know exactly what to say to help you get through whatever you’re stressing about.
3. Take breaks.
Whether it’s going to get coffee, working out, or whatever temporarily makes you forget about what’s causing you stress, make sure you work it into your schedule. You will need it, and it will help more than you think.
4. Talk to your friends.
Being college students themselves, they too, are familiar with the stress you’re enduring and are willing to help you get through it.
5. Breathe.
College can be very stressful, yes, but remind yourself that it will all be worth it in the end, and that you will get through it. Though it’s easier said than done, don’t let the stress take over your life.