Most of us have this long awaiting dream of turning our sweet 16, then 18 for a taste of independence, and then 21 to party all the time with no remorse. But what can being 20 possibly offer and why is it so incredibly awkward to endure? Here's some helpful tips for overcoming those self-esteem quirks.
1. Be You, Happily
By this age, we've outgrown the high school clicks and most of us have moved onto college where we have a solid group of 3 to 4 friends; if we are that lucky. It's hard to tell everyone every small detail that makes you authentic. We worry, stress and beat ourselves down for being the odd one out. Instead of destroying what makes you different, embrace it for once and let it make you shine beautifully and be happy about it. If those perverted jokes make you cringe but those Laffy Taffy wrapper jokes make you lose it, then own that with all that you are.
2. Don't Be Afraid to Trust
One of the most vital mistakes we make as young adults is letting the hurtful people from our past dictate our future. We think those immature high school jocks still exist at our University, and while there may be some people that will always be cruel, they are not all in unison in that mindset. Talk to that guy that sits by you at the smoothie shop, and don't worry about awkwardness; he's intimated by you as well.
3. Feel Without Numbing Yourself
If you want to live in the party scene, it's your life and go for it if you desire. However, if you drink the pain away just because you don't know how else to gain acceptance, realize your worth and how divergent you are. Your classmates may all be sharing similar crazy weekend stories, but jump right in with the intense episode(s) that you binge watched all weekend. Fill them in about your favorite flavor of milkshakes at Steak N Shake, and flaunt how you got it during Happy Hour because as a broke college kid, that's all you really need in your life.
4. Realize You Don't Owe Anyone Anything
So let's get this straight -- you are you, and unless it's biologically, proven your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend is not your mother. You have a right to change your mind, your major and your viewpoints. Don't let your guidance counselor talk you out of changing your career choice because of the lack of money; if it's where your passion lies, go for it. By this age, you are finally by yourself for the most part, and the world is yours to see. Embrace it, and don't live feeling captivated with other people's opinions about you.
5. Make Memories That You Can Cherish
Buy that $35 dress, because honestly, when will the opportunity ever arise again? Order two scoops of ice cream instead of one because we all know how tough that math exam was for you, and the extra calories will put your mind at ease. Take a hundred and one annoying snap chat selfies to only replay over and over again the next morning. Laugh until you pee with your best friends, and write it all down in a journal to come back to later. Don't let the "adultness" take away the life you once loved. Find the joy in the hard days and make memories that you can tell your great-grandchildren.
You don't have to live in the world of waiting to turn 21; live in the moment of being amazingly 20. Ride with the windows down, boogie in the rain, kiss someone with expensive lipstick, get the girl's number sitting next to you in your 8am class and flirt back with that co-worker. Being 20 is only as rewarding as you allow it to be. Make the most of it, and try to leave the awkwardness out of it.