As females, we naturally want to be told we're beautiful or that we are special to someone. This Valentine's day will be different for me. It will be one of the first Valentine's days in a few years that I have been single, and I am starting to think I am perfectly okay with that. Sure, it's hard seeing my friends and their boyfriends or their pictures online of the two of them, but I am perfectly happy with being single this Valentine's day. You see, this year, I have tried to take a new approach. I haven't gotten caught up in the whole boy scene. I am just living life. Even though there may be times when people ask me who I'm seeing or who I'm with, but I just have to continue to tell myself I will be okay. I continue to remind myself that I don't need a boy to be happy. Sure, having a boyfriend would be nice, but a boy doesn't have to define who I am or be all my life is about. I have learned that part of growing up is learning how to spend time for yourself. So here are a few things I want to say to the girls who are spending Valentine's day alone like me.
1. It's okay to be alone
Boys aren't all you have to focus on. Sometimes the best thing you can do is take time for yourself. Whether that be going on a trip you have always dreamed of or simply taking a bubble bath, take time for yourself. You never know when you'll need a little pick me up that will turn your whole day around.
2. Tell those around you how much you love them
No one will ever compare to the feeling you will feel when you find that special someone. It's a feeling you will never be able to compare to. But for the time being, you can tell those who mean the most to you how much you love them. This is just as important as finding your special someone. You are never too old to tell your mom or dad you love them. Your family means just as much to you and sometimes it's nice to just let them know that.
3. Never settle
Don't ever just settle for someone so you can say you have someone to call your own. You are truly special and deserve someone who is equally as special. Love will find you. Don't go looking for someone only to settle on the first person you find. Your special someone will come around and when they do it will be truly special.
4. Enjoy your time alone.
Sometimes being with someone does have its perks. You always know you have someone there on the good and bad days. Someone to tell you you are beautiful even on your worst days. Someone to turn your frown upside down. But, you also need time for yourself. You have to make time for yourself to spend with your girls. You need time to be you! So enjoy those nights you get to spend alone. Sometimes those nights are few and far in between.
5. You are not alone.
There are other girls out there who are spending Valentine's day alone. Don't feel bad because all of your friends are out with their boyfriends. You aren't the only one staying indoors. Don't ever feel like you are alone. There are plenty of others out there that are just like you.
So this Valentine's day, don't worry about spending it with a guy necessarily. Enjoy your Valentine's day just by being you. Whether you celebrate with a guy or not, enjoy your Valentine's day this year and make it the best one yet.