Eyelids closing, head drooping and your mind traveling to thoughts not in the classroom, we have all been there. Some days it's just hard to stay awake in class no matter how hard you try and concentrate on paying attention. Whether you were up cramming for a test, partied a little too hard, or just struggle with this on the daily, here are some tips to potentially keep you alert for class time.
1. Chug the caffeine.
The notorious go-to remedy for sleep deprivation. You can choose from coffee, tea or an energy drink. Pick a beverage that works best for you and will help you to be on your A-game.
2. Get more sleep.
For some, catching a few extra z's makes the biggest difference, but to others, sleeping more make them groggier than before. Figure out which type of person you are and plan accordingly. At some point in the week though, take some time and make sure you are getting enough hours of rest, even if that means a nap here or there or sleeping in an extra hour.
3. Maintain the buddy system.
If you are sitting next to a friend in class or even a stranger work out a deal with them that when you start to fade into the oblivion of sleep they give you a sharp jab with their pencil (eraser side to you of course). This should provide a nice jolt of adrenaline through your system to keep you awake for a few more minutes.
4. Call-outs.
Maybe you will luck out and be fortunate enough to have your professor personally call your name out and ask if you are paying attention. You're so lucky.
5. Strategically find your perfect seat.
Choose a seat directly under an air vent if you are prone to snoozing in class. The consistent influx of cold air hitting your skin will keep you shivering and alert. Don't cheat this system by bring a winter jacket though, that won't help your cause.