If you aren't used to sharing a room, college can be a little difficult to adjust to. Many people are used to a room that is only theirs; in college you get half of a space (probably smaller than you are expecting!) Things can become complicated and you have to work through them. Here are some tips on how to be a good roommate.
1. Compromise
When you live with someone, you aren't always going to feel the same way about everything. The best way to work through that is by compromising with each other. One person may like the room cold and the other may like it warmer; both people would need to talk to each other about their needs and find a temperature that can suit them both. That may be by one person having the room a little warmer and getting a fan, or one having it cooler and having a blanket.
2. Cleanliness Duties
When living with someone else, things can become dirty faster. Both people should come up with what needs to be cleaned and how often. Many people will switch off on doing certain chores like taking out the trash or vacuuming the room. A different way to decide is to talk about who would like to do what and have set jobs that each person is responsible for all year.
3. What To Bring
Many roommates will share appliances like the refrigerator, microwave, broom and vacuum. The room is already small enough by its self, so each person bringing the whole house may not fit. Before you move to school, get in touch with your roommate and decide who is bringing the fridge and who is bringing the microwave so that there will be more space in the room (and not two of everything!).
4. Talk To Each Other
You need to know a little about the person you are living with; knowing something about the person will help in the long run. If your roommate is doing something that makes you uncomfortable, you need to tell them. If you don't talk about it, you will continue to become more and more annoyed about everything they do (even things that normally wouldn't bother you) until eventually you will blow up on them and they have no idea that they have done anything wrong.
5. Respect Each Other
Respect is key in any relationship, whether it is a friend, a partner, family member, etc. You should give your roommate the same level of respect you would expect from them in return. Make sure to ask before messing with anything that isn't yours. If the first time they say you don't need to ask, then go for it whenever you want. If they tell you that something is important and not to mess with it, don't mess with it. The golden rule applies in this kind of situation; do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Living with a roommate is one of the best parts of college; it can turn into lasting friendships that extend way past graduation. Hopefully these 5 tips help make your room your favorite place to be.