I came home to a broken fence, a flooded kitchen, and a moldy cabinet. This seemed like the dream home when we moved in last summer, but we've quickly became aware of its shortcomings. I think it's safe to say my roommates and I are done. Thus begins, the hunt for a new abode. In my year as a home-renter, I've learned a lot, and I think I've leaned five essential tips for moving into a new place.
1. Move in with people you trust.
If you're going to share your most intimate moments with them, your roommates should be good people.
2. Compare prices.
You never know, there might be a nicer house with a better deal out there waiting for you.
3. Solidify your rental agreement.
Make it crystal clear between you and your landlord.
4. Don't rush into anything.
You'll most likely be locked in for awhile, so don't sign your life away to a place you don't love.
5. Find a home with potential.
Even if the place is kind of plain, make sure it's a place you can fill with stuff and love.
Happy house hunting!