As we all know, that dreaded time of the semester is fast approaching. Soon, we'll all be pulling all-nighters and cramming for finals. Countless hours will be spent preparing for the last test, or the last projects you have to get done. With all of the chaos that's going on through this time of the semester, it's easy to become over-stressed and you might even forget about different assignments going on. Here are some sure-fire ways you'll be able to stay focused and succeed through finals!
1) Organize your Notes
For those who aren't organized throughout the semester, now would be a great time to start. Grab all of your notes, old test, quizzes, and any handouts, and place them in piles based on subject. Then put them in order. This will help you make sure you aren't missing any topics that can be on your finals. You could also make 1 page summaries for each chapter. This will help you study and allows you to skip through many repetitive parts of the chapter or sections that you may not be tested on.
2) Plan Your Time Wisely
You have to make sure you plan out your time, especially now. Print out a calendar with all of your finals, tests, and projects on it, and place it somewhere that is in your sight. It'll help make sure you don't miss an assignment that is due, or will show you how soon your next final is. It also will show you how long you have until you're done! You can also make a to-do list of different projects, assignments, or study groups you plan on attending and place it somewhere in sight as well.
3) Form Study Groups
It helps to study with other people. There may be a part of a chapter or theory that you may not understand, but someone else does. Create a study group for your class, that way you're able to help each other out on different sections. This'll also help you make friends for next semester. These study groups can also help you with projects that you'll be doing during the last part of the semester.
4) Start Early on Your Projects
In order to stay on track and on time with everything, don't wait until the last minute to do a project or assignment. You'll leave yourself with far more stress and far less sleep by waiting until the last minute. Even if you just do a few parts here and there, it'll be much easier on you if you start your projects the week you find out about them.
5) Take Some Time For Yourself
Even though you do have a lot of studying and projects to do, try to take some time to enjoy the rest of the semester and relax. This doesn't mean go on an 8+ hour Netflix binge session. It means just take an hour or two a day to do something that you like to do. It's best for your mental health and sanity that you do something you enjoy.
Following these tips can really help you out for the end of the semester, and a successful one!