1. Set aside time to both eat and work out
This is a terribly underestimated challenge of college - balancing when you eat, making sure you eat, and developing your own workout schedule to stay healthy. Eating should definitely be a priority, as you need energy to make it through your busy days. However, you should also strive for variety in your meals. As for working out, decide how many days a week you want to work out for. Do not try and go as hard as you can every day. You'll quickly run out of stream. Instead, stretch more on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and lift/run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, for example.
2. Pick three organizations and commit to them
It is easy to sign up for twenty clubs, trust me, I've done it. However, it's much more satisfying to commit to a few and see how you like them. You won't feel like you're spread too thin (hopefully). And try to vary them up! Take a look online on your school's website, if you can. Otherwise, consider joining one you are passionate about, one that is completely different from what you like, and a third one for fun! If you love the ones you're a part of first semester, great! If not, no worries. You can just ask to be taken off the email list and try out another.
3. Determine your priorities
Sleep is certainly one of my priorities. On weeknights, I will go to bed around 10:30 or 11:00 PM. Before you contest, hear me out. It is possible with a full credit load and with working out in the mornings. I feel so much better when I go to sleep early and wake up early. I also have more productive days! It is definitely worth it, and I encourage you to make sleep a priority. Not only will you be more productive, but sleep is in generally just as important for your health and happiness!
4. Relax a little
While it is important to keep your GPA up, you also have to remember it is okay to set that homework aside for a little while - a whole day even. Imagine that. And it's actually really great for you, too! Pick a day of the week to take off from all your work and just enjoy college. Enjoy the area you are in, play some pick up soccer, take a dance class, go to a party. This is important to do throughout the week, but if you have trouble adjusting in the beginning, this can be a helpful way to start.
5. Smile
That's right. Smile! Smile at the people you recognize walking down the hall, smile at your classmates. How many times have we judged people for being unfriendly when in reality, they probably weren't. We judged by their facial expression. Well, the change can start with you! Plus, people feel more comfortable approaching or talking to people who seem less intimidating, open, and happy. So start smiling and making friends!
To Conclude...
College is exciting, and you are going to be just fine. Enjoy these tips, and best of luck!