Seeing how this is the Year of the Dumpster Fire, I thought it would be best to end it with a little humorous motivation instead of the usual deep thinking article (then again, most of my recent articles have the depth of a four-year-old).
5. You Can't Change Your Circumstance, But You Can Change Your Outlook
Sometimes, things just don't work out and there's nothing you can do to fix things. When everything come's crashing down, throw on some rose-colored lenses and laugh a little.
4. Take Everything You Hear With A Grain Of Salt
There's a lot of BS in the world. Even the famous saying's we know from childhood tend to be a stretch from the truth, so make sure not to bet too hard on them.
3. Lighten Up
Stress will kill ya, so chuckle a bit if you want to stay alive.
2. Don't Lose Yourself In The Crowd
Tim is literally floating off the ground with red balloons while he flips off the crowd. Be more like Tim.
1. If All Else Fails, At Least It's No Longer 2016
Happy New Year Everyone!