Bastille’s first North American concert for their new album, “Wild, Wild World” was at the Agganis Arena in Boston, Massachusetts this past Monday, and I am still, to this day, undergoing post-concert depression. Bastille became my favorite band in 2013, a year after their album “Bad Blood” was released. On a Monday night I will never forget, they also became the first band I saw in concert. Trust me, if you like a band so much to make them your first concert, here are a few tips for a new concert-goer to make sure your experience is all the more enjoyable.
Dan Smith, singer and songwriter for Bastille.
1. Know how to get to the venue, and how to get home.
Probably the most important, which is why it is first. Planning your route to and from is important if you want to be on time for the concert, and on time for transportation. Keep in mind of any public transportation schedules, for busses and trains and such, because some concerts may go later than expected. If you miss your last ride, you’re in trouble! Or, make sure you have enough money for gas or have a full tank before you leave!
2. Know what to bring.
Easy. If you want merchandise, bring money… at the very minimum, $50. This is how the bands make a lot of their income since the ticket sales are split between the band and the venue. It is always nice to get a t-shirt to show to your friends as proof, and a nice reminder of the concert you’re attending.
You may want to bring your phone, in case of emergencies, but also to record some of the show. A lot of concerts have original content that only shows at the venue! If it’s raining, bring an umbrella, as being in soaked clothing is not something you want to be dancing in.
Depending on the venue’s bag policy, you don’t want anything larger than 12x12x6 let’s say. Especially if it is crowded, things can get rather cramped while rocking out. Make sure to secure your valuables somewhere safe or where you can see them! Look ahead of time and PREPARE FOR ANYTHING.
3. Have the proper etiquette.
Do some research, know your band’s genre if you aren’t too sure. Etiquette is all about behavior. I can almost guarantee that if you try to start a moshpit at a concert like Beyonce’s, people will not take too kindly to it. Remember that people are there for the performers, not you. So do your best not to have too much to drink too. That could end bad.
4. Go with friends.
People you know may like the performers as well, and having friends around really makes the concert a whole lot more enjoyable rather than overwhelming (in a bad way of course)! Friends also make the trip to the venue and the trip back a lot more safe, especially at night.
Or, make some friends! More often than not people go to concerts by themselves, like my first. I met a nice, young woman from Minnesota and we talked throughout the entire concert about our interest in Bastille! Always be careful who you talk to though, and never go home with strangers!
5. Enjoy the music, enjoy yourself.
You made it through the trip, the waiting in line, and are finally at your seat. Enjoy the empty seats while they last, because the place will be more filled by the start of the show. Make sure your phone is charged enough so you can take some pictures (professional cameras aren’t allowed in the crowd almost everywhere). Sit back, or stand, and just let the music strike your eardrums. You may not see these people play for a long time, so enjoy it while you can! Remember, the band would not be where they are without people like you!
Bastille’s Wild, Wild World Tour is still underway! You can get tickets here under the Live tab!