Spring is just around the corner, which means warm weather and terrible allergies. Minus the allergy part, springtime finally means sun and extra happiness! Winter's visit has been long overdue; it's definitely time winter makes its way out the door! The cold weather and gloomy skies puts me into lazy habits. If you're anything like me, don't let those lazy habits stick. Snap out of it as the beautiful weather approaches! Check these next couple of tips out on how to thoroughly enjoy the approaching warm weather!
1. Go for a run outside.
There really is no better way to enjoy the scenery around you. Running is super beneficial for one's health. Treadmill runs get boring after a while and certainly have no view. An outside run can literally happen anywhere that you want, a local park, bridge or around your neighborhood. It's nice to get out and feel the wind and fresh air against your skin. Before you know it, it'll be winter time again and you'll have wished you took advantage of your outside runs.
2. Go for a hike.
I personally love to go for hikes. Find a local mountain trail, get a group of friends together and go for a hike. Of course, if you aren't properly in shape to handle walking up hill, try and stay away from this idea so you don't get injured. But if you are totally capable to do so, I say go for it! You may see some really great things along the way.
3. Have an outdoor picnic.
Find a local park and sit down to have a picnic with friends. Picnics are always a great way to sit back and enjoy the weather around you. It doesn't necessarily have to be just sitting around, you can bring outdoor activities to keep you all busy, like a frisbee! Instead of sitting inside your house, sit outside.
4. Workout outside.
Working out outside has got to be one of my favorite things to do. Being in a gym gets boring and smelly. Having the opportunity to do your stuff outside is way more rewarding because of the fresh air you get to inhale. Being outside in warm weather also seems to motivate more people to get up and get moving. All you need is yourself since outside workouts can be done without weights.
5. Do your work outside.
Whether you're a college student or not, try not to hide yourself in your room all day. If you have loads of homework and studying to do, make your way outside and do it there! You'll feel much happier being in beautiful weather rather than at your boring desk. If you don't want to go outside alone, ask a friend, this way you'll drag them out of their room as well!
Remember to always enjoy the warm weather while you can. Being indoors is meant for the winter time. Don't miss out on the beauty of being outdoors!