Everyone has dealt with a toxic person at one point or another. We come across narcissists, compulsive liars, manipulators, guilt card players, and so on. The list could go on and on. There will always be toxic people finding their way in our lives. They could be in the form of someone you consider a best friend, a significant other, a parent, a coworker, or an employer. Some you can't simply detach from - for example, a parent or a relative. No matter your relationship, here are several ways you can learn how to deal with a toxic person - especially if it is a bit more difficult to cut this person out of your life.
1. Ignore attention seekers.
I find this one someone hard to do. I think of myself as the one who enjoys helping others. That's exactly the type of thing toxic people prey on. They love people who thrive on spending their energy on others (them). They will fish for compliments and do just about anything to get your attention.
2. Don't trust or share secrets with gossipers.
It can be easy to confuse a true friend with someone close to you that so happens to be toxic. Their toxicity may be hidden. It will not always be obvious the way Disney depicts it. The toxic people will not have green skin or a scar or a hunch. If anything they may be the exact opposite. You may not need to lie to these people, but you do not need to tell them everything. They will use any and all information they get from you, against you.
3. Do not get involved in petty feuds or arguments.
Toxic people may be poking the bear and try to push your buttons to see how far they can push you. Do not feed into this. They will throw low blows and twist everything around, so it looks like you are the "bad guy" and the one at fault. This can be a smidge difficult, because it is human to fight back and feed into drama. Resist. Do not partake in any of the pettiness - or at least as little as possible.
4. Do not indulge their self-pity parties.
Toxic people will always throw themselves a little pity party. If you try to challenge them on a lie or any situation, they will turn it into something that calls for your pity. These people are very vampiric. No, they do not suck your blood, BUT they drain your energy. We waste our energy on these people. Empaths are true victims of this type of toxicity, because they have a harder time blocking out others' emotions. Toxic people love when you give them your attention, your time, and your energy. They will drain you.
5. Stay aware of your emotions.
It is impossible to stop someone from pushing your buttons if you do not recognize when it is happening. You need to stay grounded and shield your energy. If you are an empath, try imagining you and your energy in a "bubble shield" that keeps negativity away. If that mindfulness does not work for you, try finding something that calms you down. It is necessary to stay grounded and strong when someone is trying to give you their negativity. Stand your ground if an argument arises.
I have been surrounded by toxic people all my life. One of them is a beloved family member. Throughout my life, it has been some very near and dear friends. It has been so difficult to handle. The thing to try to see is, these people will never look at themselves and think they are in the wrong. Most of the time this is simply their personality and they do not even realize how they are behaving. They will never see how their actions could be viewed as toxic - usually that is a tell-tale sign that they ARE toxic. How I have handled it thus far is try to stand my ground more and not let them manipulate me. And as a soft-spoken introvert that was not as easy thing for me to do. I still have a long way to go and I intend on using the aforementioned tips. I hope these help you as well.