Communication is so important in this digital age, and I have noticed some problems with how people choose to communicate. I have put together five simple ways you can improve your communication. Put down your phone. I went to dinner one time with a friend, and they never took their eyes off their phone. I was trying to communicate some ideas and thoughts and the other person just seemed to be more interested in herself and her other friends. Talk to people in person. This is kinda of a funny tip to be honest, but I was texting an individual one day and we were less than two feet from each other, but we never spoke a word. It is a sad state of affairs when you can not communicate your ideas and feelings in spoken words and instead have to hide behind a screen. Our technology is a great thing, but it is pulling us away from relationships that matter most by allowing us to hide behind facades that are not true. Communicate with a purpose. This requires that you know what you want to get across to your audience. Everyone has an audience, whether it's one person, or 3000 people. I was once told that I made some people upset with something I said, but I got my point across. This is communicating with a purpose. Don't be afraid to upset people. So many people now days want to be politically correct and are afraid of hurting people feelings, but what does not kill you makes you stronger. Effective speaking allows others to understand you. This does not mean not only using correct grammar etc, but it also means speaking in the moment. For instance if I was from India and was trying to communicate to English speaking people I would want to be able to be understood. Not only would I want to be speaking about a topic that my listeners will relate to or want to be listening to, but I will also want to be speaking in a way that the generation of listeners I am speaking to will understand. In any crowd there is always a dominate generation and in order to move people in that crowd you must communicate in a way that they can relate with and in a way that they can connect with what you are saying not only on a logical level, but also on an emotional level. Listen more than you speak. Anyone can just listen and have information go in one ear and out the other. Effective listening would be hearing the information, taking it to heart, and thinking about that information. Effective listening also requires that you formulate questions to help you define and analyze the information you hear. I have sometimes spoken more than I should have, and have learned that listening intently and with a purpose helps me learn what is being communicated and allows me to communicate that same information better. Be honest and truthful with all people. When looking at a corporate structure you normally have the CEO or president at the top and the corporate branches as follows going back down the ladder. I believe that both those at the bottom and those at the top of an organization should give and receive information. Don't be afraid to share information as long as it is honest and truthful. I think sometimes people try to hide things from others for one reason or another, and I believe that in order to be a better person one must not be afraid to communicate with everyone in an organization. To end this all on a final note, communication is vital to life and leadership. These five tips will serve you well in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Student LifeJun 06, 2016
5 Tips To Become A Better Communicator
5 tips I have learned over the years that have helped me communicate clearly with those around me.