Writer's block is one of the most frustrating things to break out of. Most of the time you end up pushing off your writing, or never finishing a piece because you don't feel motivated. My biggest hardship is coming up with ideas or not finding the right words to elaborate. Here are some tips and tricks that I do to fight off writer's block.
Read a book.
I always feel inspired after reading a good book. It often gives me ideas for a story or sometimes I like to reimagine the ending.
Describe the things around you.
This trick I always come back to. I like to pick one specific thing that is around me (a candle, picture, scenery, anything that is in front of me) and describe it in detail. This helps with not only my wording, but my descriptive skills.
Rewrite old pieces of work.
Take your old pieces of work, and rewrite them! Even if you like how the piece already is, play around with it to see if you can come up with other ideas.
Free write, and do not set any boundaries.
Write just to put words down on the page. It doesn't matter if they make sense in the end or not. Write to express your current emotions, a situation you're in, anything that interests you.
Do not strive to be perfect.
If you are writing for a grade, or something that others will see- don't try to make it perfect. Your idea of perfect is different from every one else. Write to the point you are proud of your work, not to when it is perfect for others.