Most colleges and universities are going into the most dreaded time of year... Finals week. We all hate it but we all suffer through it. Here are some tips on how to get through it without such a struggle.
1. Make a Schedule
A schedule makes things so much easier. Make one, color code it, put it on a white board where you can't miss it. Some people may say that this will stress them out but when you look at it just look to what is due when and what you need to work on next.
2. Make sure to hydrate
It is proven that being dehydrated makes you less productive. Take the time to keep hydrated. Who knows, it could help you not feel so tired.
3. Don't overload yourself
Try not to make too many plans during finals week. Even if the plans are just to study, it can get very stressful getting to the right place on time. If you must make a bunch of plans, put them into that schedule and it will make things a little less stressful.
4. Take a break
Even if you don't think that you have time for a break, take 5 minutes out of each hour or so to get up and stretch. My friends and I like to take a break and have a cup of tea. You can't just study nonstop for the whole week. It isn't good for your sanity.
Okay. Now I seem crazy, right?! I'm really not. If you are overtired from studying all night, you most likely won't perform your best on the final. Set a time to go to sleep and stick to it. You won't regret going to sleep by midnight when you go to get up for that 8 am final.
Here are a few memes to help you through it:
I mean who doesn't want a hot guy telling you that he believes in you, right?!
Nuff said...