5 Times the Mr. Krabs Meme Was Extremely Accurate
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5 Times the Mr. Krabs Meme Was Extremely Accurate

The worried look of our generation.

5 Times the Mr. Krabs Meme Was Extremely Accurate

We have all opened our Twitter to find a brand new meme covering our timeline. Recently, the picture of “Blurry Mr. Krabs” has been the newest spiraling trend. I have had my fair share of moments where I have completely related to this frantic meme. Here is my top five moments in which I have felt like the famous red crustacean.

1) When you are sitting in class and the bell rings but your stuff is scattered everywhere

The anticipation of class ending is always a very awaited event. The entire period is spent staring at the clock counting down the minutes until you are free from this horribly confined classroom. So, when you get caught off guard by the bell, it is usually because you are frantically trying to finish that last problem so you have no homework. This means that your stuff is nowhere close to your book bag. The amount of people that heard out of the classroom when the bell rings makes it impossible to remain calm. You shove pencils into random locations and put papers in the big pocket of your bag. After this traumatic experience, it is hard to get your blood pressure down to a normal level.

2) When you walk out of an exam and everyone is talking about the answer to a question that you got completely wrong

I have always been very afraid of taking exams, and I get major anxiety right before the test takes place. This beginning terror is actually incomparable to the horror that occurs right after you take that exam. Most of the time, I walk out feeling pretty confident in my abilities and how I did on the test. Then, your classmates begin discussing the answer to one of the questions, and all of a sudden you feel a bead of sweat drip down your spine as you realize that you completely got that answer wrong. Sometimes, it can go even further downhill from here when they continue with answers that you didn’t get. This assures that you probably got a 19 percent.

3) When you’re lying in bed when you’re supposed to be waking up and your mom walks in

I have a serious sleeping problem. I am not kidding when I say that I have never gotten out of the “just five more minutes” phase. So, most of the time my mom gets very mad at me when I do not get out of bed. She can attest for my ever-present lingering in my bedroom until the last second, and she always has to tell me to get out of bed 84 times. Half awake me always disregards her beckoning’s and continues to lay in bed. When she actually comes into my room after calling six times, I am completely caught off guard. It usually ends with me pretending that I was awake the entire time. That looks exactly like Mr. Krabs in the disoriented meme.

4) When your crush randomly shows up at the same place you are

You’re sitting in a restaurant with your entire family, and all of a sudden, your great grandma that is 94 years old brings up how cute that boy that just walked in is. You turn around to be completely blindsided by the gorgeous man walking through the door, and that is when you realize that that is not any random guy, but it is the guy. Even though you feel like Mr. Krabs, remaining calm is an essential part of being able to look cool and proper in front of him. So ladies, make sure you cover up that scared look with a put together smile.

5) When you are playing music in the car and all of a sudden a weird song plays

The aux chord in the car is a sacred thing. If you mess up and kill the vibe, your aux privileges may be forever revoked or people may secretly not trust you anymore. I have been honored to be able to play music in the car with all of my friends quite often, but there is always that one time when your phone randomly switches to a weird song that came off of your Apple music that you bumped to in 4th grade. It is an immensely awkward music and often words are unable to capture the essence of that inescapably bad moment. All there is to do is to let yourself look like Mr. Krabs while trying to redeem yourself with a better song.

Times may change, and the Mr. Krabs meme may become unpopular (actually it might have while I was writing this article). That being said, you will never forget the times in which you looked like a red crab from Bikini Bottom.

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