Working with kids can be both the best and worst job in the world. No day with them is the same which is what makes it such a wonderful career. I took a recent trip to the zoo and found myself comparing the zoo keeper's job to my own. If you've ever worked with kids, then I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about.
1. The Smell
2. Feeding Time
It seems like kids are always hungry no matter the time of day and they can eat just about anything. I'm talking bizarre foods like tuna for breakfast and Italian ice at 10 a.m. Regardless, it generally always involves a lot of sugar and is usually extremely messy.
3. Clean Up
There's always a mess that needs to be cleaned up. Often times, they're made on purpose, in spite of being asked to not make one. And when they're asked to clean it up, it's always lazily done, and I find myself going along after them to finish the job.
4. The Noises
Kids are weird. They make the weirdest noises like clacking their tongue, bark and make other animal noises. Bottom are weird and make weird noises.
5. Bath Time
Bath time can go one of two ways: a huge fight that turns into World War III or a fun and easy time for everyone. This has the potential to be under number three because by the end, there's always a huge puddle and a lot of toys all over the place.
Kids are nutty, loud, messy, smelly and generally sticky, but they are a blast to be around and always have a way of surprising you in the best ways possible.