It's that time of the semester when everything starts to get dreary.
You're sick of the winter weather, the midterms and papers, the waiting for the summer, and actually being sick. I caught the flu last week, along with my entire campus, and was bed ridden for a couple of days. I found this frustrating as I like to keep busy, but Amazon Prime Video kept me well entertained with the first 6 seasons of Sex and the City.
I may be a cliche, but I had forgotten how relatable this show was, how every shoe-shopping experience, every argument, every relationship, is one which I have seen or had before. I collected some quotations here: five times that Sex and the City was spot on about my life.
1. 'Sexy is what I try to get them to see me as after I win them over with my personality.'
I look about fifteen, and while people say that I will be grateful when I am thirty, right now it is a real bummer to be labeled "cute" and "sweet" instead of sexy. However, after spending time with someone, I can show them that I am not actually the youthful girl my face presents. Instead, I am a strong 21-year-old, with a passion for travel, law, politics, and winning the bread for any future family I may have. Ambition is sexy, drive is sexy, mystery is sexy.
2. 'He doesn't even know me, the least he could do is get to know me before he rejects me.'
College teaches you that you are not going to be liked by everyone, but Miranda states something heartbreaking in her pursuit of a man. Men and women alike will often reject a person before getting to know them - something which I have experienced first-hand. As aforementioned, personality is the key to attraction, and appearances should be an afterthought. If you don't like someone post-coffee, then fine, but nobody deserves to be rejected off-the-bat.
3. 'Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.'
Carrie Bradshaw has become somewhat of an icon, even her biggest mistakes doused with strength, creativity, glamour, and beauty. At the start of the show, at already 30 years old, she demonstrates how not being in a relationship/married is not detrimental to your character. Furthermore, in a world which is becoming so much more accepting of women in positions of power - in the office, politics etc - it is obvious that "taking your time" with your relationships gives more time for you to work on yourself and your career.
4. 'It’s tempting to wish for the perfect boss, the perfect parent, or the perfect outfit. But maybe the best any of us can do is not to quit, play the hand we’ve been dealt, and accessorize what we’ve got.'
I don't believe in quitting, especially when the excuse is circumstances. When I hear stories of men such as Aron Ralston and Bethany Hamilton, I cannot bring myself to use my personal problems as excuses to quit. Sure, it's okay to give yourself a break now and again, and to pat yourself on the back for overcoming an obstacle, but without a push to "just keep swimming", how can you ever hope to achieve greatness or to be the best you can be?
5. 'The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.'
I leave you with a self explanatory self-love quotation. While on your search for friendship and companionship, learn to talk to yourself (maybe not in the literal sense), learn about yourself and your strengths and weaknesses, because only then will you find someone to accept you for the good, the bad, and the ugly.