If you're a Florida State student on Facebook, you've probably seen a video circulating the last few weeks where an alum was proposed to by her boyfriend during a game of flip cup. If you haven't seen it, you can watch it below.
This tailgate love story is the most "FSU thing" an FSU student could possibly do. Men and women students have been sharing the video non-stop and it has melted all our little garnet and gold hearts. Attending Florida State is so special and there are many moments like these that remind us we picked the best school in the nation. Other times, however, FSU isn't so forgiving and it breaks our hearts into tiny pieces.
The Natty.
While I wasn't here to experience it, I did watch our 'Noles as a newly-accepted Seminole win the National Championship in 2014, which led to an undefeated, and unconquered, 2014-2015 Football season. Nothing was more exciting than overcoming that 18-point deficit, and of course, breaking the SEC's 7-year streak.
Actually attending a Florida State game.
If you've actually been to a game in Doak, or even just watching the 'Noles play on TV, you have suffered multiple heart attacks, bit all your nails off, and have lost all hope only to come back and be the second-half team you know and love. Our relationship with FSU Football is extremely tumultuous every Saturday, but we keep coming back.
Closing the on-campus Chili's.
We get it, a new and improved Oglesby Union is needed and well deserved, but it comes with a cost. That cost is removing an incredible landmark from FSU: Chili's. Everyone freshman's favorite spot for Sunday morning lunch after a long gameday, free chips and salsa at the bar, and BOGO margs all day, everyday. I speak for many students when I say there is a piece of myself I will never get back, and that piece is located in a booth at Chili's.
Dalvin and Jimbo's bromance.
DC4 has been incredible to watch the last few years, but what is even more heart warming are his and coach Jimbo Fisher's gazing looks and embraces post-game. The bromance may be over as Cook will be playing for the Vikings come Fall, but the memories will last forever.
The best brick of them all.
Florida State is known and celebrated for rich tradition. From the homecoming parade, the bell tower that rings everyday at 8 AM, 12 and 5 PM, and Osceola and Renegade sticking that spear in the field before every game. One of FSU's long-standing traditions are the bricks at Westcott Fountain. Many bricks are purchased as graduation gifts where you can leave your mark at Florida State forever, typically putting your name, major, accomplishments, etc on the brick. One student, however, put a little message on their's. "May our future be as happy as we were here." This brick is a favorite among many students, because as the end of the day, no matter what you studied or what you did with your time here, you cannot deny that Florida State University has touched you and changed you. I love you, FSU, and while you may rip my heart out from time to time, you always put it back together again.