I don't know about you guys, but food is on my mind 100% of the time. I like to think of breakfast, lunch and dinner as opportunities to take my tastebuds on an adventure from my dull life.
I like to consider myself a food fanatic, but here a five people that took snacking to the next level.
1. When You NEED Nuggets
Sometimes nuggets are just absolutely, 100%, necessary.
2. When Hunger Strikes But You Get Arrested
Josseleen Elida Lopez was arrested after Walmart employees watched her eat "sushi, cinnamon rolls and the majority of a rotisserie chicken, while drinking wine and driving a motorized shopping cart at Walmart." Police reports say that Lopez consumed $32.36 dollars worth of food without paying and was arrested on site.
Sushi AND cinnamon rolls, chicken AND wine for only $30?!?! Everyone is failing to recognize that Lopez is clearly a bargain shopper.
3. When You Spill Your Coffee And Need To Improvise
Sometimes coffee just doesn't have the kick you need it to.
4. When Fourth Meal Lands You In Jail
Matthew Falkner was arrested after driving intoxicated through a Taco Bell drive through and falling asleep at the pick up window. When awoken by police and asked for identification, police report that Falkner reached into his T-Bell bag and tried to hand the officer taco as a form of ID.
5. When You Try To Eat Healthy But Your Body Says Otherwise
Sometimes no matter how healthy you try to be, your body just really craves the gooey, gooey, goodness of cinnamon rolls.
Whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, it is clear that the crave punches no clock.