As I presume we all do, I think about Vine a minimum of five times a day. What a gift we were all given to be on Earth when Vine was active. A true light in this world gone far too soon.
This emotional dependence on base comedy that I acquired after spending so many hours on Vine left a void that I filled by repeatedly watching compilations on YouTube and reliving my glory days as though I were a high school quarterback in a late 90s/early 2000s rom-com whose son had a new dream. And one day, I recognized that new dream: Tik Tok.
At first, I was ashamed to tell anyone I was on Tik Tok. I was a proud Millennial woman; how could anyone reconcile that image with someone who watches Tik Tok? But when I did finally feel comfortable telling my friends about this part of myself, they made fun of me obviously because Tik Tok is almost exclusively for Gen Z high schoolers and I had just turned 21. I was formally and legally an adult, sitting at home and hysterically laughing to these ridiculous videos.
Anyway, I love Tik Tok and thought it was high time I wrote about my newest undying love on the Odyssey.
What I've found from spending so many hours on Tik Tok is the a.) Gen Z's are taking over the Internet but b.) I'm not as mad about that as I thought I would be. Tik Tok is hysterical. To prove it, and to prove that Gen Z culture is taking over the cesspool we refer to as the Internet, I've picked 5 of my favorite Tik Tok trends with the duel hope of making you all laugh as well as justifying myself to my hater friends,
Work by Iggy Azalea
There is something poetic about the individuality in each video, the painstaking effort, the bizarre shit people see and think "Let me strap my feet to this and just give walking a shot." The extent some people go to to make these videos is astounding.
Time Travelers
While there are a good amount of really bad renditions of this trend (namely people getting too personal or constantly doing the "Bye Mom/Dad" bit), there are some pieces of absolute gold if you look through the tag.
*Author's Note: keep an eye out for the upcoming H2O trend which seems to be the Time Travelers rival.
*Author's Note: I didn't like typing that any more than you enjoyed reading it.
This is by far the most inventive trend that just proves Gen Z's are more brilliant than I originally gave them credit for.
At this point in the list, I'm realizing I might have a problem. I have too many options for these samples readily available.
Mom I just threw up
This is an older trend but I still laugh every time I see a video in this setup. As evident by the sheer existence of this article, I have the same sense of humor as a 12-year-old pre-pubescent boy, so this trend just hits right.
It literally is so bizarre and niche for the younger audience but I think, looking at the rest of this list, that also shows so much comedic range.
Right? Someone back me up.
Oh shit it's a rat
Guys the rat videos are just funny, plain and simple.
That's the whole essence of Tik Tok: stuff that shouldn't be funny but it is. It is gloriously funny, terribly base, and remarkably rooted in Gen Z culture. I love it. I love every second of it.