It’s that time of year again. At the end of every semester, college students run around trying to save their grades, eye bags so big that you can’t help but wonder the last time these students slept. Or possibly the bags are from crying. Or perhaps both. Who knows. As finals get closer and closer- or maybe they’ve passed for some of you- we all share the same thoughts, so here are five thoughts we all have during finals:
1. Is it still possible to save my grades?
“I’m OK with a C. Really. Maybe I can give them a bottle full of my tears.”
2. Why did I wait until the end of the semester to do the 10-page paper we were given a month ago?
"I can totally do this in one night. I swear. Only 15 pages to go.”
3. Why do we have a final paper and a final test?
“Isn’t one enough? I’m just gonna fail both anyways.”
4. What is sleep?
“Is that when I actually lay on my bed and do something other than watch Netflix and procrastinate?”
5. If I get into an accident, will all my professors give me A's?
“Hit me! Give me that money. Get me out of finals. Win/Win.”
Absolutely none of us can handle finals. So what do we do? Give up! But good luck during hell week.