Today’s news tends to be filled with sadness and tragedy. It can be discouraging to watch as it seems there is no hope for the future. But the truth is, not everything is sad. Here is a compilation of five facts that may be trivial, but are guaranteed to make you smile, at least a little.
1. Two otters holding hands
“When two otters sleep, they hold hands so they don’t float away from each other.” If the thought of small semi-aquatic mammals doesn’t bring you some amount of joy, I don’t know what will … maybe a picture of the otters in action?
2. Two puppies play-fight
"Male pups will sometimes let female pups 'win' when they play-fight, so they can get to know them better.” - The fact that puppies are more chivalrous than some college boys I know is a little disappointing, but the idea of puppies play-fighting pretty quickly diminishes that disappointment.
3. Mickey and Minnie really got married
“The voices of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse got married in real life.” - Forget #mcm and #wcw posts on Instagram, this is the definition of relationship goals.
4. The dik-dik exists
“There’s an animal called a dik-dik." - If the name wasn’t enough to make you giggle, I promise a picture of a dik-dik will certainly bring a smile to your face.
5. Window washers dress as superheroes
“There are window washers who dress up as superheroes to cheer up sick kids in hospitals.” - I mean honestly, how cool is this. I wish I wasn’t scared of heights just so I could tell people that I was a superhero window washer.