Your parents claimed that they would be home soon. However, it has been more than four hours, and they are still “on their way.” Meanwhile, you are home alone and have nothing better to do, since your main focus is to procrastinate anything of importance and jump right into Netflix. As you are doing so, you are multitasking on your phone. Constantly checking Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. Since you can’t turn on all of the lights in your house, the light from your phone, the light from your computer and the light in your room are the only lights on in the house. The rest of the house is pitch black - here is where you start to get paranoid. It is like a scary movie. You start to question any paranormal theories and/or if you let the door or the garage open. These things come into your head:
1. Are there any open doors to your house?
You start to wonder if there is any way anything or anyone can get into your house at any moment. You imagine scenarios where there is someone entering your house through a door that you believe you might’ve left open in accident. Your mind plays these horrible tricks in your head that when a wooden furniture cracks, it automatically drags you into thinking “Someone is entering my house… someone is in my house”. When, most likely, it was just the dog snoring or a piece of furniture cracking. Breaking news: all of the doors in your house are closed, don’t worry… or wait, are they?
2. What if I fall asleep right now?
It is really late at night, and honestly, you are incredibly tired. You don’t want to admit it, because there isn't truly a safety zone until your parents get home. Nevertheless, you wish you were in deep sleep. However, if you did fall asleep, would something wake you up? Something that isn't the peaceful sound of your parents arriving home? Who knows, but just so you don’t risk it, don’t fall asleep yet.
3. I don’t believe in paranormal things, right?
Even when you are a strong believer that a ghost, the devil, (any paranormal character) isn't real, you start doubting yourself. Your mind is so focused on the noises that are around you, that any unusual thing becomes unreal. You imagine a movie-like pop up, but coming from your door. You imagine a hand coming from below your bed. There is a weird vibe in your body that is shaking in case something ends up dragging your feet from your bed. Truly the images that you quickly see aren’t there, but since you start getting scared, you believe they are. Maybe, if you look again they might actually be there…
4. Should I close the closet/bathroom door?
You are in the comfort of your bed, and if you step out of it, there might be consequences. You think that if you dare check the closet or your bathroom something might pop out at you somehow. Since many scary movies include someone appearing on the mirror in the bathroom, or something hiding between the clothes inside a closet, there is a possibility it might happen to you too. Therefore, you want to close those doors. However, if you get too close to them, you might be attacked. Are you sure there is nothing in there?
5. Can I just curl into a ball?
Yes. Yes you can. Hide inside your blankets, and close your eyes. Just fight the urge to not open them again.
P.S. Currently, while I am writing this… I am home alone, at night...