As summer is approaching, many students (including myself) are on the hunt for a summer internship. After hours of looking at internships each day, I'm beginning to notice a trend of the thoughts I have throughout looking and applying to these internships. So for everyone else who is struggling to find an internship, here are some thoughts we all have.
1. How many internships are too many to apply to?
The other day when I sat down to my computer to look at internships, I asked myself realistically how many I should apply to. I know it's good to apply to several because you're not guaranteed to get any of them but really how many is too many?
2. Am I really qualified for this?
I'm going to be honest and say after reading the description of several internships I've begun to question if I'm really qualified to work in my field. There is definitely somethings I'm missing in my classes.
3. Oh, I'm definitely not getting this one.
Sometimes, you just look at the internship and know you're not going to get it but you just gotta apply out of curiosity.
4. Should I really apply to this one?
While applying to internships, I've found myself asking a lot about whether a certain internship is right for me and worth applying to. This really depends on what you're looking for but there's at least one where you've asked yourself if it was worth it.
5. I'm going to check my email again.
Once you apply to an internship or two, it really starts the cycle of endless email checking. Yes, I know I won't hear back when I sent in my application five minutes ago but it doesn't stop me from checking.