For most college students our days of sleeping in, eating home cooked meals and laying in the sun are quickly running out. Move-in day is right around the corner and with that comes a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Although the move-in experience is different for each student, here are some thoughts I think we can all relate to.
1. Where did the summer go?
It feels like just yesterday that we finished our last final and packed up to come home. Between work, family and friends our schedules were packed and our summer went by way faster than we could have ever imagined.
2. Packing, what's that?
With the days between now and move-in day in the single digits some of us have forgotten that all that stuff we brought home three months ago must be put back in a box, once again. Plus, all the things we've acquired since coming home. Oh, boy...
3. Do I really need to bring this?
I'm sure we all have a few items we brought to school our first time around that went completely unused. Now, as we pack to leave again these same items are screaming our name from the "stay at home" pile and it's so hard to resist bringing them along. You never know, right?
4. At least I'll get to see my friends.
The only way we can possibly be excited about the loads of school work headed our way is to remember all the amazing people that we haven't seen all summer that we will soon be reunited with. Plus, we have syllabus week to catch up with everyone and enjoy a little bit of an extended summer before things get too hectic.
5. Wait, this means saying goodbye again?
Just because we've done it before does not make the goodbyes any easier. Spending all summer at home reminded us just how much we love sleeping in our own beds and spending days with the friends we grew up with for most of our childhood lives. Going back to school means leaving behind Mom, Dad and all of your hometown friends. As exciting as college is, there's not much that can make the goodbyes any less painful.
Ready or not, move-in day is coming up and I hope everyone has the experience they're hoping for. Whether you are a new or returning student, living on campus or off, moving in to your home away from home will mark the beginning of a new journey. So, take it all in, take a deep breath and smile because this next year will be life changing. Then, before you know it you'll be doing it all over again.