I have a love-hate relationship with therapy and have been going for many years now. I have come to the conclusion no matter how long I'm in therapy these will always be some recurring thoughts.
1. Is She Really Going To Keep My Secrets
I understand that my life probably isn't very interesting but, does a therapist ever go home to their significant other and tell them about a patients life? Does she hit her group chats with, "omg you will not believe what this patient just said."?
2. Finally It's All About Me
Talking about yourself and all your problems for an hour or so without having anyone switch it onto themselves is a really good feeling. Sometimes you just need to focus on yourself without having someone try to relate to your issue instead of just listening.
3.I Get To Talk Crap Now
Yes, I do talk junk about every single person in my life when I go to therapy. I'm not saying I focus my entire session on other people but it is a time to complain or express my thoughts on certain people. There is no way that the person or people are going to find out and it feels great to get some things off your chest.
4. Are You Laughing Because I'm Funny Or Because I'm Paying You?
I consider myself to be a pretty funny person but in one of those splits moments I can't help but wonder if my therapist is laughing because I'm genuinely funny or because I'm paying her to listen to my problems.
5. No I Do Not Want To Dig Into The Real Problem
There have been many of times during my therapy sessions where I have dodged speaking about a larger issue or an underlying issue just because I simply don't want to, even though that is one of the reasons why I go to therapy.