Ah, finals have finally graced us with their presence. How thoughtful of them. They fill your Google calendars and crush your spirits. Honestly, as a freshman, I'm trying to keep calm these coming weeks and just do my thing. If you are a college student who is about to take on finals...
3. You've probably said these five things.
1. "WHEN did we learn THAT?"
Don't deny it. You know that feeling. You're looking at the study guide (or worse the exam itself) and you just think to yourself that you must have been asleep or absent or in an alternate universe when the professor talked about this because you don't remember it at all. Oh, it was mentioned once in the middle of that 50-page reading. Huh. Maybe I need to take a second look.
2. "Sorry, I can't. I have to ___________"
Finals week means turning down offers for plans. Possible blank fillers include: Study, write a paper, take a breather, drink a gallon of coffee, go to the library, find my will to live, eat, go to office hours, read an entire book, watch Netflix, call my mom, etc. The possibilities are endless.
3. "Should I study or ________?"
Again, you can fill that blank with pretty much anything. It's all about priorities, right? Sometimes, you have to take a dance break or a food break or a Netflix break to keep your sanity. It's okay--don't beat yourself up about it. But, if you ask yourself this question and your answer is "study," good for you. I'm impressed. Keep it up!
4. "Alright. Let's do this."
It's important to pump yourself up before you hit the books or start typing away...
5. "I'm fine. It's fine. Everything's fine."
Whether it's fact, sarcasm, or wishful thinking...speak it into existence. Like I said before, you get through this and you're home free. That brain of yours is pretty amazing and whether you've prepared or procrastinated, just do your best. We can do this, people!!
Good luck everyone! May the curve be in your favor and your essay topics over concepts you know backward and forward. I'll catch ya on the flip side.