1. Actual toilet paper
College toilet paper consists of paper so thin, it shreds into confetti before you can actually use it. 2-ply was definitely a distant memory now, but going home and using it will be such a missed luxury. Don't look forward to switching over to the cheap stuff in—not to mention— communal bathrooms. Good luck leaving your things in the bathroom like you did in the comfort of your own home.
2. Taking showers without shower shoes
There is nothing like taking a shower at your own home without needing to wear the dreaded shower shoes. However, there is an extremely clear reason as to why you don't want to be caught dead having bare feet in the shower - the shower stalls are gross. Hundreds of bodies washing the dirt and grime from the day, hairy drains, moldy tiles; there is nothing better than taking a shower in the comfort of your own home where the shower is much, much cleaner.
3. Actual home-cooked meals
Sure, a buffet of many choices with a salad bar, an ice cream bar, and a made-to-order sandwich grill may seem amazing at first... But after a couple weeks, you'll be craving your parents' home-cooked meals. You can only eat microwaved macaroni, protein bars, and instant oatmeal for so long. Spaghetti and meatballs or tuna casserole or warm cookies or whatever it is that was cooked in your mom's oven will be calling your name after a few weeks and you'll be begging for a baked goods care package to be sent your way.
I did not realize how much I would miss my dog until I haven't seen him for over a month. Of course, I miss my family too, but I miss my dog a ton. Make sure to print lots of pictures, give lots of hugs, and say some meaningful goodbyes before you leave and move out. I think it's been the hardest to not see my dog for so long.
5. Privacy
Privacy isn't really a thing that exists at college. There is always a roommate or two (or three!) in your room, people in the hallways, and others in the common area. It's hard to find time to do things on your own, watch movies or do homework in peace, or just take a nap without someone walking in. Of course, you can most likely request some privacy if your roommates are cool, but it's definitely not the same as it was back at home.