A lot of stereotypes exist regarding veganism and the lifestyle that it encompasses. Sure, it's hard to understand something that you don't take the time to educate yourself on.
But when it comes to veganism, it's more than drinking almond milk and watching Okja. Veganism is extremely beneficial for both your body as well as your environment. But how many horror stories have you heard about how "expensive" a vegan diet is, or how "vegans get no protein"?
To be blunt, it's just not true. And there are so many of these misconceptions that stray people away from even attempting a vegan lifestyle.
1. "Being vegan is so expensive"
I don't know how to express how cheap a vegan grocery bill truly is. I can promise you that buying fresh fruits and vegetables along with some nuts and beans is not going to put a dent in your wallet. I'm a college student, working a minimum-wage Summer job and I manage to stock my pantry full without spending much more than $30 for an entire month. Most high-quality meats are priced at $6-10 per pound, which adds up quickly.
2. "All vegans eat is salad"
Ok honestly I love salad, and I always have. I love piling a bowl of greens with my favorite veggies, beans, and grains and topping it with a thick coat of dressing. But I eat so much more than just salad. I often find myself experimenting with new recipes like cashew paella, tofu scrambles, Asian tempeh, and so much more. You could probably be vegan and never eat the same meal twice considering how many options there really are. Not to mention that vegan ice cream is just as good, if not better, than any other commercial brand.
3. "Vegans eat no protein"
This is literally the #1 thing you hear about veganism. I cannot express how easily it is to get a healthy amount of protein with a vegan diet. Because, news flash, meat is not the only thing in the world with protein. Beans and legumes contain up to 22 grams of protein per cup, and when you pair those with a healthy source of soy protein, such as tofu, you have yourself a delicious, high protein, and nutritious meal.
4. "Eating grass-fed/organic meat is beneficial to the environment too"
Any study will show you that animal agriculture is currently the leading cause of global climate change. The animals produce so much greenhouse gases which is in part hurting the planet in an extremely lethal manner. While feeding the animals grass rather than corn or soy products may help reduce the over-utilization of resources, it does nothing to stop the effects of these greenhouse gases.
5. "Being vegan is too hard, I could never give up meat and cheese"
If the only thing keeping you away from going vegan is the fact that you like the taste of animal products, you can still go vegan. There are so many products out there that mimic these types of products so well, you really don't notice a difference. While these products aren't the healthiest, as they are highly processed in order to get these artificial tastes, as long as you're trying, that's what's important.
I haven't been vegan for the longest time, I'll be honest. I made it a goal for myself after I finished my first year of college after I had done a lot of research and found great passion in the lifestyle. Personally, I have struggled a lot with an eating disorder for the past year and a half, and veganism is the first thing I've found that has finally pushed me to conquer all those fears I once held so anxiously in my head. So, I encourage you to at least try it, for whatever reason it may be. It's cool knowing that you can be healthy without harming the life of another being.