Breaking bad habits is easier said than done. Although there are habit that you will continually do, the first step to fixing your problems is acknowledging that they are in fact problems. I, no better than anyone else, suffer from all of the issues mentioned below and will continue simply think of these problems instead of taking action to actually fix them, probably has something to do with my procrastination problem, whoops!
1. Buying Over-Priced Starbucks Drinks
CALLING ALL MY BASIC FOLKS OUT THERE. Yes, you. At one point or another we have all succumb to the reign of Starbucks in our lives. The price of the beautifully crafted beverages has made a dent on wallets all across the world. Although we can conclude that these drinks are not a necessity, we can also conclude that we will still continue buying Venti drinks on a regular basis because this here is America... Land of Excess.
2. Binge Watching Netflix Shows
Still watching? of course you are! You name the show, I have most likely watched it. I, like many others, know I have a problem. Netflix TV shows have single handedly taken ungodly amounts of time from my life. Of course I know that I should get out more and see sunlight but I really can't because I'm too preoccupied with a surgery during Grey's Anatomy, the latest text Gossip Girl sent out, what Michael Scott is doing in The Office and most importantly, Ted's story to his children on how he met their mother. I understand that this addiction is hard to quit cold turkey, work on this one but for now just keep clicking the continue watching button... you're not going anywhere, silly.
3. Procrastinating On Homework
I'm sure you work best under pressure and that the longer you wait, the older you'll be when doing your homework, therefore the wiser you'll be when doing it. Whatever the excuse is, I can say... we've all been there. At the end of the day, we're just lazy sometimes to plan out homework in a timely manner. We can justify our poor habits by saying that we still get everything in at the same time as those who start earlier but can we all know that maybe we should have spent more time on it or maybe it would have been easier had we started sooner. It's never too late to change these habits but if you are like everyone else... you'll wait last minute to change those habits.
4. Going Online Shopping
What?! Free shipping today only? Of course I'll buy that cool hammock I don't need or know where to put! Regardless of the stereotype that college students struggle with having enough money, we always seem to be shopping of the latest thing that we know we do not need. Maybe this year online shopping can be limited to an array of textbooks and calculators for class? Ha, just kidding, I know you want that hammock, I guess you only live once and you can use it to study on if you need justification towards a purchase. Thank you, Amazon. My sincerest apologies, wallet.
5. Eating Out Too Much
Helloooo Freshmen 15. Enjoying confections is never frowned upon... if they are in moderation. Indulging in foods is a common practice by many of us, we can't help it! Chipotle and Insomnia Cookies with friends is something we just do not turn down. The delicious fresh ingredients and feelings of real food beats Ramen any day... but perhaps shouldn't beat it everyday. Eating out with friends is great for socializing and getting food you don't have to microwave but eating out can make both your waistline and your wallet furious. An easy alternative could be to get together with friends and get ingredients to cook instead of going out. This could save both your wallet you from gaining that freshmen 15. If you choose to disregard this advice... get the guac at Chipotle... its life changing.
May this confession of problems help humanity move on to better and healthier things... in the meanwhile just embrace a flawed lifestyle, this is college, we'll learn.