The best week of a new member's time in a sorority is upon us. That's right! It's almost time for big little week! For anyone who is not a part of the Greek system, for a sorority girl, big little week is like a second Christmas. A collegian member of a sorority is assigned to a new member and the collegian spoils the new member before revealing herself as the new member's big. A big is basically like a role model for the new member and is supposed to guide her through her new member phase. The best part about big little is that the new members actually pick who they would like to be their big. Coming from someone who has already chosen her big and who has a little as well, these are the five things I feel a new member should look for in her potential big.
1. Does she hold the values that your chapter stands for?
I know this seems really deep and something that should take time to think about, but I do feel it is very important. This woman is going to lead you through your journey in the chapter that you ran home to. I feel it is important that she hold the values of the chapter in order to guide you and be a role model. I know I took this in consideration when I chose my big. I asked myself if she held the values and if she was a true sister.
2. Is she great at giving wise advice?
You should be able to go to your big for advice on anything. She should be more than happy to give you advice on whatever is troubling you. Think of the person you have in your mind as your big. Do you think she can give you advice on how to grow in the chapter and as a college student?
3. Can you trust her?
This one is huge. If you cannot trust a girl, how are you going to let her guide you on this new journey? You should be able to trust her with your life, and she should strive to gain your trust even before she is your big. Think about how the rest of the chapter feels about her. Do they see her as a trustworthy person? She should be the first person you turn to when you are going through a tough time.
4. Do you have things in common besides the sorority?
Obviously y'all chose the same sorority, but so did everyone else in the chapter. You and your potential big should have more in common than the sorority. For example, my big and I both love Disney movies and musical theater, and my little and I both love shopping. You want to have things in common with your big so y'all have an excuse to hang out all the time. My big and I would watch movies, and my little and I go shopping. You want to spend time with your big so having something in common helps with that.
5. Do you like her family line?
This seems silly, but you should like all the people in her sorority family. When I chose my big, I knew she had a little already. I didn't know her little that well, but I knew her well enough to know that I would fit in well with the both of them. And now that I have a little, I know she has to like the girl I want to pick up before I do it. You should pay attention to the people in her family because not only are you choosing a big, you're choosing a grand-big and maybe even a twin. You need to get along with them because y'all will be spending a lot of time together.
Picking your big can be stressful and you might freak out about it. But if you keep these questions in mind while choosing, it'll be a piece of cake. Good luck to all the future big little pairs! I hope you find your perfect match!