Today we live in a tough economy with jobs becoming harder and harder to find. While high school and college prepare you to do the actual work, they do very little to prepare you for the time between you high School or college commencement to your first day on the job. With all the high school and college students getting ready to graduate this spring it is important that they know what to expect as they stride to begin their careers. Here is a list of 5 Things that everyone should know about entering the work field:
1. Keep Your Career Options Open
When you are first entering the work field it can be easy to have your mind set on achieving your dream job. In the current economy, this is just not realistic. It is important to know that you will have to gain experience in other fields before you land that dream job. You never know, you may find greater interests in other fields and open your eyes to a dream job you never envisioned before.
2.It Can Be A Long Process
While you are in process of looking for your first entry-level job you will most likely become impatient. You have to commit to your job search knowing that we are currently living in on of the most competitive work fields in recent history. So even if all hope seems lost, don’t get discouraged and keep submitting as many applications as because your opportunity is awaiting you whether you believe it our not.
3. Try Not To Get Your Hopes Up
It there is anything you should know about searching for a job fresh out of high school or college it's that you should never get your hopes up. Even if your application gets accepted and you make it far thru the hiring process all employers have the right to terminate the hiring process if they find a candidate that they feel is a better match. So even if you think you have a job locked-in it wouldn’t hurt to keep submitting applications until you know that you have a job position set in stone.
4. Consider Multiple Cities to Possibly Move To
Something that can severely prolong your job search is limiting the places you are willing to relocate to in order to pursue a job position. It is important to understand that certain cities have more opportunities than others. It is also important to know that certain cities specialize with certain areas of work. In order to give yourself the best chances during your job search research which cities specialize in the work field that you are pursuing. This is why it is important to keep an open mind when considering what cities you might want to relocate to pursue possible job opportunities.
5. Always Ask Questions During The Interview
The Interview process is possibly the most important aspect of any job search. It allows you to leave your first impression but more importantly it allows you to get a better understanding of what exactly the job you applied for will have you doing. This is why it is vital that you go into any interview with a list of questions that you want to have answered. It is important that you have no questions unanswered at the conclusion of any interview. This way there will be little to no misunderstandings regarding the duties of the job position you applied for.