As a brand new adult you can't wait to move out of your parents house and establish your own life. You finally get to decorate how you want, stay out as late as you please, and the best part is that you don't have to answer to anyone. You're probably in your college apartment happy as can be with your new independence and admittedly you probably dread when your parents want to come visit. No matter how old you get, you're still your parents' baby, and they miss you. Although you may hate when your parents come visit - because that means you have to actually clean and make it look like you live a stable lifestyle - your parents are dying to be apart of your life for the short amount of time that they can while they visit you. Here's some things you can do to help make the best out of your parents visit.
Invite them into your home.
When your parents come over for a visit they understand that you have your own space now and they don't want to intrude. Be a good host and invite your parents inside to sit down or give them a tour of your humble abode. If your parents are the intrusive type and have no problem busting into your apartment and even start to clean or make comments about things, just let them do their thing. This may be their only way of coping with the fact that you no longer live under their roof.
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Take them to your favorite places.
Your parents will love to discover all the places you hang out at in your town. I always try to take my parents to restaurants that only Conway has so they get to try something new. I also like to take them to cool places around Conway that I frequent so they can get an idea of how I spend my time.
Show them around your campus.
One thing I enjoyed as a freshman was giving my parents a campus tour. My parents liked seeing the cool landmarks around campus and seeing where I actually had class.
Introduce them to your friends.
By introducing your parents to your friends you're giving your parents faces to the names that always comes up in conversation when you're talking with them over the phone. They will enjoy getting to know who you spend most of your time with because these are the people who are taking care of you when they're not there.
Let them take all the pictures they want.
If your parents are anything like mine, they love taking pictures. Sometimes it can be annoying and even embarrassing when your mom is holding up traffic to get a picture of you doing something completely normal like crossing the street in front of your apartment complex. But, to her, that picture will be so special because it goes along with the memory of visiting her baby in her college town.