Finals are almost here. I know you don't want to think about them, but whether this is your first round of college finals or your last time, there's always something you can do to make yourself more prepared. Finals are scary and overwhelming, and quite honestly, I'm absolutely terrified to take mine. BUT, if you follow these simple steps to making your life a little easier, you won't be as stressed and you'll be a little more prepared for your finals.
1. Make a giant To-Do list
This list should include little things like cleaning your room, going to the post office, or hanging out with friends, so that you can check things off and make yourself feel like you're accomplishing something. Of course, this list should also include big things like doing your homework, writing your article, or making a bulletin board. It should be a mixture of literally all the things you need to do. Things that are small, things that are big, things that have deadlines, and things that can be done whenever. Making a list like this really puts everything into perspective and also makes it easier for you to prioritize what's important. Obviously, the things with deadlines are at the top of your priority list, but you can always refer back to this list and see where you're at, and if you're ever just not doing anything at all you can pick something from it and get it marked off.
2. Get in a routine
College can be really unpredictable, but if you try and get into some kind of routine, chances are you will feel much better. Having structure and knowing where you need to be at what time, personally has helped me stay sane. This doesn't work for everybody, and sometimes you'll have to stray away from your routine because something has come up. That's life. However, at this point in the semester, it's crucial for you to be doing something to keep your head in the game. Make time for naps and friends, but also make time to take care of business.
3. Get some sleep
If you've done this finals thing before, you know that when it gets to be about finals time, there's not much time for sleep. You're either in class or studying for a class or crying out a class, and there's just not enough hours in the day. So, if you get a chance to go home or just get some extra rest, take it! Thanksgiving break is coming, so be sure you get some rest then. You're going to need it! Just be mindful of how late you're staying up. If you don't have to stay up until 2am every night, don't lol
4. Make a plan
MAKE A STUDY PLAN!!! YOU HAVE TO MAKE A PLAN TO STUDY OR YOU WON'T DO IT!!! I personally make my plan a month before my first final and try to study a little each day. If you make a plan for yourself and give yourself an incentive, you're more likely to keep up with it. For example: If I study for this class for an hour, I can watch Grey's tonight. It's a give and take, but you HAVE to make a plan or you'll find yourself trying to study for 5 finals the week before they happen and trying to do projects, have a social life, and get enough sleep. It's just better to plan ahead.
5. Breathe
Remember that while education is important, your mental stability is more important. If you fail a class, it's not the end of the world. You have options. And if that's the worst thing that happens to you, you can count yourself lucky. This life is so short and long at the same time. You've got plenty of time to make something up, but at the same time, you don't have time to be beating yourself up over a silly grade. Please don't get me wrong, EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT. I believe in it at my core, but you as a person and your well-being is much more important. Take the time to breathe before finals come. Enjoy the little things and remember that you can do anything you set your mind to.
You're awesome. Never forget that!
All my love,