Mario is an iconic figure that represents the entire Super Mario Bros. franchise. Mario is a playable character that is in popular games such as Super Mario Bros., Super Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, etc. I bet you can picture him now, with the well-known mustache, red hat, and overalls. But... here are 5 things that you probably didn't know about Mario!
1. In Super Mario Brothers, Bowser turns some of the Toads into the stones and brick blocks
Peach’s main purpose in Super Mario Brothers is to undo the curse that is killing the toads, but what happens to all the blocks that Mario destroys throughout the game that don't have coins or power-ups in them? We break them of course, because it's fun! Well, in turn, we are actually killing toads in our blight of fun… oops!
2. “It’s a-me Mario” originated in Super Mario 64
The iconic line from our toad-killing protagonist was first heard in Super Mario 64 and not in the original game! If you are like me, you assumed that Mario had dialogue that had this catch phrase in it, but I was shocked to find out that it was not until Super Mario 64 that he stated this exact phrase.
3. Mario makes a cameo appearance in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
In the Estate map inside the cabin is a game console called the Gamestation, and one of the games lying around there has an interesting name called Italian Plumber Princess Rescue. Now, I don’t know if it's just me, but this sounds like a very familiar game that has an Italian plumber who must rescue a princess who is stuck in a castle.
4. Mario wasn't even his original name
Before you tell me that you know his “original” name was “Jumpman,” there is record of him being called Mr. Video before that because Nintendo wanted him to appear in a lot of video games. Real original Nintendo.
5. The Chain Chomps are not as limited as you might think
In Super Mario Brothers 3, if you allow the Chain Chomp to tug on its chain to attempt to attack you 50 times (yes, fifty…) it will break free and feast on your body! Be careful when taunting this beast because it could very much end your life as the plumber saving the princess.