So, I recently moved off campus for my senior year. Not entirely my choice (thanks, DCL), but my situation nonetheless. Lucky for me, my apartment and roommates are pretty awesome. However, there are some things that I wish I knew.
1. List, list, list
Make a list of what you need. Seriously, do it. It does not matter if you have lived in an on-campus apartment before, or with a kitchen. You will need more, and you will forget some things. And when you have an entire apartment or house to set up, plus roommates, you want to minimize the time you spend shopping for things/returning them.
2. Be aware of how much you'll have to cook
You will be on a smaller meal plan, if you are even on one at all. Stock up on plenty of food. Plan out meals. Make you sure you have all the necessary kitchen tools and know how to use them. Keep a lunchbox on hand (and try not to lose it). And try to resist buying junk food.
3. Know routes to campus
Know how to get to campus. Buses, campus transportation, walking, driving, Uber, Lyft, pick your poison. Know how long these routes will take, and which ones are safest. And for the love of all that is holy, do not walk by yourself at night.
4. Know the surrounding area
Make sure to explore where you live (assuming it's safe). Figure out the best spots to wait for transportation, to get food, and to just hang. Map out the area. Know the safest parts, and if any, the parts you should avoid. Go exploring with roommates and friends.
5. Know how to deal with issues
This is not your past maintenance issues, kids. Know how to best deal with landlords, managers, etc. Figure out how to get the most out of your landlords, managers, and others. Be nice to everyone, even if it is just saying hi and bye and asking how they are doing.