Ahh, the good ol' Land of 10,000 Lakes, where the summers are hot and humid and the winters are deathly cold. If you've lived here all of your life like I have, or even if you've been here for just one round of all four seasons, this will definitely make you shake your head and chuckle in agreement.
It gets really cold. I am currently looking at the weather forecast while typing this--because that's what us Minnesotans do. The high for Sunday is -6. Yep. Negative six, six below zero, however you want to read it. It may not seem that bad, until you throw in the 10 mile per hour wind and a wind chill of -38. Fun times.
Your car is consistently being buried in snow. If there's a snow storm coming, you just know that thing is gonna be covered in at least three inches of snow by morning. Shaving off fifteen minutes to your daily routine just to have enough time to clear off and warm up your car is a seasonal occurrence.
You're constantly saying "Oofda!" This might not be true for everyone, but the further north in this great state you go, the more chances you'll have of hearing it--and maybe even picking up on it.
On the other hand, it also gets really hot. Spend one year up here and anyone will realize that Minnesota is the most bipolar state on the planet. One day its 65 degrees and sunny and two weeks later its 21 degrees and feels like 5 below (okay that might be a little exaggerated but you get my point).
As much as you complain about it, you still love it. Yes, it sucks living in a place where the air hurts your face, but anyone with a sane mind would probably take that over finding giant ass spiders and scorpions in their basement. Right? Right.