Sleep: a necessity. Something pretty much everyone enjoys. But there are a select few brave men and women who consider themselves 'ever-sleepy.' These rare creatures are united by the fact they never stop thinking about where their next ...among a few other things.
1. Caffeine/sugar/energy drinks are your best friend
If you're anything like me, the minute you wake up you're ready to go back to sleep. This means that over the years, you've adopted some sort of unhealthy routine to keep your eyes open and bring you out of your morning zombie funk. Overly sugary cereal + Redbull + Dunkin Donuts iced coffee with extra sugar?! Sign me up.
2. Your day isn't complete without a nap
Being up for 12+ hours with no interruption is just not how we roll. Whether it's a sneaky 20 minutes between classes, or a longer pre/post dinner slumber, our days just wouldn't be the same without being able to catch some extra Zzzs. Bonus points if you have a designated time every day where you nap...we call this, 'the pre-sleep-sleep.'
3. You start most conversations with the phrase, 'Sorry, I'm Tired.'
Whenever someone asks you how you're doing, the first thing out of your mouth probably has something to do with the fact that you didn't get enough sleep. There's something about letting everyone you talk to know that you can never sleep long enough that excuses your constant yawns, possible over-rubbing of the eyes, and 'just rolled out of bed'-style outfit.
4. 'Wanna go out?' 'No. I'm too tired.'
A classic conversation between you and your friends on the regular, if you're a sleepy person you're probably not the best at rallying to go out after a long day of being awake. You'd probably much rather lay in your bed in PJs and fall asleep watching an episode of Friends you've yet to complete because you always doze off in the same place.
5. You have some weird stories about places you've fallen asleep
Fallen asleep at a concert? Check. Standing up in a busy museum? Check again. As a person who respects sleep, when the opportunity for a nap strikes, you take it, no matter the stakes. These make for some funny stories, and some even funnier pictures of you passed out pretty much anywhere and everywhere.
Members of the ever-sleepy club, unite!